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Boost your research with aVenture's venture capital reports

aVenture is in Alpha: aVenture recently launched early public access to our research product. It's intended to illustrate capabilities and gather feedback from users. While in Alpha, you should expect the research data to be limited and may not yet meet our exacting standards. We've made the decision to temporarily present this information to showcase the product's potential, but you should not yet rely upon it for your investment decisions.

aVenture is in Alpha: aVenture recently launched early public access to our research product. It's intended to illustrate capabilities and gather feedback from users. While in Alpha, you should expect the research data to be limited and may not yet meet our exacting standards. We've made the decision to temporarily present this information to showcase the product's potential, but you should not yet rely upon it for your investment decisions.



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© aVenture Investment Company, 2024. All rights reserved.

44 Tehama St, San Francisco, CA 94105

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aVenture Investment Company (“aVenture”) is an independent research platform providing information and analysis about startups.

Certain metrics provided by aVenture may seek to assess the risks and opportunities associated with a company, fund, or its representatives (collectively “research”). aVenture seeks to provide this information with objectivity and fairness, and with diligence about its accuracy. Nonetheless, aVenture cannot provide assurance as to the accuracy of the information provided by our research. We strongly advise those using the research platform to seek multiple, independent sources for your research when making financial decisions.

Any links provided to other websites are offered as a matter of convenience and are not intended to imply that aVenture or its authors endorse, sponsor, promote, and/or are affiliated with the owners of or participants in those sites.

The aVenture platform also provides investment listings offered by independent investment advisers in the United States. aVenture is neither a registered investment adviser nor an exempt reporting adviser under the Investment Advisers Act of 1940, and no statements made by aVenture are intended to imply any financial instruments are under the counsel or advice of aVenture or its representatives.

Funds offered on the platform are generally managed by a private investment adviser that, unless stated otherwise, claims exemption from SEC or state registration. Investment funds presented on the platform are only available to investors who meet the requirements of the offering, and solicitations are not made outside those listed jurisdictions.

Additionally, each investment offered on the platform has qualifications for eligibility, including some offered only to Qualified Clients and/or Accredited Investors. Certain funds may be available to non-Qualified or Accredited investors, but only those who become personally known and identifiable to aVenture Investment Company staff, who have had an opportunity to assess the financial capacity and suitability for such an investment, and discuss its risks. Funds, when offered, are only offered following a review of a Private Placement Memorandum (PPM), subscription agreement, and other disclosures.

Investments in startups, venture capital, angel investments, private equity, real estate, stocks, and similar asset classes all involve risks, including: the risk of a decline in the value of your investments, including potentially large declines (suddenly and/or for long periods of time), the potential for illiquidity where part or all of a withdrawal request may not be honored on the date requested (even when a feature of the fund). These risks are heightened during periods of market duress.

Diversification has the possibility of reducing the magnitude of declines (either caused by market/economic factors, or by factors related to the individual company), but does not guarantee these risks have been fully or partially alleviated. Most importantly, past results are not an assurance of future outcomes. While most of these risks are shared and similarly held by other investment asset classes, we recommend investors only consider venture capital investments as part of a broader, diversified portfolio of stocks, bonds, and immediately accessible cash reserves.‍